(Serves 1 person)
1 person serving of cooked rice
50g of pumpkin diced, outer layer cut off
50g of chicken breast cut thin
1/4 of onion finely chopped
1 vegetable stock cube
1 cup of water
salt and pepper
olive oil
grated parmesan cheese
炊いたご飯 1人分
かぼちゃ 50g 皮を取り1cm程に小さく切る
鶏もも肉 50g 薄切り
玉ねぎ 1/4個 みじん切り
野菜ブイヨンキューブ 1
水 1カップ
塩こしょう 少々
オリーブオイル 少々
粉チーズ 適量
In a hot pan, drizzle some oil and cook onions until they are softer.
Add pumpkin and cook along with the onions.
Add chicken. Season everything with salt and pepper.
Add stock cube and water. Simmer under medium heat until stock has reduced by half.
Turn down the heat and add rice, stir.
(Do not cook rice for a long time. Stir evenly then serve immediately)
Top with grated parmesan cheese. Serve.