100g of ground pork and beef
1/2 of onion thinly sliced
5 new potatoes cut in half
5 snap peas
3tbsp of soy sauce
3tbsp of mirin
3tbsp of sake
1/2 tbsp of dashi powder
1 cup of water
Salt and pepper
豚牛合挽き肉 100g
玉ねぎ 1/2個 薄切り
新じゃがいも 5つ 半分に切る
スナップエンドウ 5つ程
醤油 大さじ3
みりん 大さじ3
酒 大さじ3
ダシの素 大さじ1/2
水 カップ1
塩コショウ 少々
In a heated pan, drizzle some oil and cook onions and ground meat,
until onions are softer and meat changes its color.
Add potatoes and lightly season with salt and pepper.
Then add water, dashi, soy sauce, mirin, sake.
Put on medium to low heat and put lid on. Cook for about 20 minutes.