100g of minced chicken
1/4 long green onions chopped
1 teaspoon of cornstarch
1 tbsp of breadcrumbs
1 egg, white and yolk seperated
2 tbsp of soy sauce
1 tbsp of mirin
1 tbsp of sake
1 teaspoon of sugar
1/2 teaspoon of grated ginger
鶏挽肉 100g
長ネギ 1/4 みじん切り
片栗粉 小さじ1
パン粉 大さじ1
卵 1 黄身と白身を分ける
醤油 大さじ2
みりん 大さじ1
酒 大さじ1
砂糖 小さじ1
すりおろし生姜 小さじ1/2
First mix chicken, corn starch, breadcrumbs, egg white, green onions, salt and pepper in a bowl.
Mix soy sauce, mirin, sake, ginger, and sugar.
In a heated pan, drizzle oil and make patties of chicken mixture.
When both sides are cooked, add the soy sauce mixture.
Coat patties well with the sauce until sauce is thickened like syrup texture.
Add a splash of soy sauce to the egg yolk and serve it as a sauce.
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