1/2 sweet potato
100g of sliced pork
1/4 teaspoon of grated ginger
1 tbsp of soy sauce
1 tbsp of sake
1 tbsp of mirin
2 tbsp pf sugar
3/4 cup of dashi stock
さつまいも 1/2本
豚こまぎれ 100g程
おろし生姜 小さじ1/4
醤油 大さじ1
酒 大さじ1
砂糖 小さじ2
ダシ汁 3/4カップ
First cut sweet potatos in random cuts, then leave in water for few minutes.
Then in a pan, add soy sauce, mirin, sake, sugar, ginger and dashi stock.
Bring it to a boil then add all pork and sweet potatos.
Put lid on and leave it to cook for 15 minutes under medium low heat.
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